Our Heart's Desire

Friday, February 11, 2005

An Introduction of Sorts

I am Woman, hear me roar! No, just kidding. But, seriously that did just pop into my head as "the" thing to write as my grand introduction into the world of web blogs.

Seriously though, I am an almost 40 year old Lesbian who has been in a monogamous committed relationship with the same wonderful woman for 18+ years. It's a beautiful love story really, but that's not what this page is all about. This page is the intended space for us to tell our story of our heart's desire for a child.

I can't remember when I knew I wanted to be a mother, perhaps as young as 5 or 6. I was pretty sure all of my life that my greatest calling or purpose on this earth was to nuture, teach and love children. I have achieved that, in that I have done all of those things, just not with any children of my own. My heart's desire is to conceive, carry and give birth to our child. My partner's desire is the same - that is for me to have our child! She is not into the whole pain thing.

I hope to use this space to document our journey into parenthood.